Thesis Study - 6th Year of Architecture

It is my final year at University and I am working on my thesis project. My chosen thesis is about the impact of sustainable living in an urban environment and how an 'Urban Village' might achieve such a goal as providing food for its occupants.

Follow me on my journey as I complete this project and maybe even win a prize, gain some sort of recognition, or maybe you'll just enjoy looking at the pretty pictures I produce! Either way, I hope you enjoy looking at my work and the comments I have to share.

Also, visit and join my facebook group - 3D Architecture

Sunny :p

Thursday, 29 January 2009

York - Site Analysis (in pictures)

Yesterday and the day before that, I had the joy of freezing both my beloved (coco)nuts off. Along with this unnerving pleasure I traveled to York, the first day in my car and the second day in a monster truck - well, a Toyota Land Cruiser - to do a site analysis of an extensive area of York. The focus of this site analysis is the River Foss which stems off from the River Ouse at the south of York and mianders northward where it finally ceases to be a river (according to google maps) at Strensall - just 10km from the centre of York.

From a tutorial today my group has decided to perform a very thorough site analysis where each of us take a few topics and rigeriously search information, draw maps, diagrams, sketches, lemonparty, and finally produce a document consisting of all our efforts. This large task should effectively be our site analysis of the whole of the site - and once we decide upon an area/site to design a building on we shall then carry out a further site analysis of that locale.

I've still do to my part of the analysis but here are a some photos from the day/s.

Sunny :)

East bank of the River Ouse, near Lendal Bridge

Whip Ma Whop Ma Gate

A clue
Model of the Hungate development
end of Picadilly, where it connects to Tower St.

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