Thesis Study - 6th Year of Architecture

It is my final year at University and I am working on my thesis project. My chosen thesis is about the impact of sustainable living in an urban environment and how an 'Urban Village' might achieve such a goal as providing food for its occupants.

Follow me on my journey as I complete this project and maybe even win a prize, gain some sort of recognition, or maybe you'll just enjoy looking at the pretty pictures I produce! Either way, I hope you enjoy looking at my work and the comments I have to share.

Also, visit and join my facebook group - 3D Architecture

Sunny :p

Sunday, 23 November 2008

(ANIM) The Cinema

Somebody asked me if i could show them the animation i did for project which looks at reintroducing a cinema in Leeds around where the first film (ever made) was shot. The site is near the Calls Landing and it overlooks the river and is angled toward Leeds Bridge (click here).

Enjoy the video!

Sunny :p

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